Bali IDC Course

Take on the BALI IDC Course and join the ranks of dedicated professionals.

Become a PADI Instructor with our PADI IDC in Bali, an intense 18 days adventure with our dedicated Course Directors.

18 days IDC course

All-inclusive pricing

Multilingual Course

State of the Art Facilities

The Bali IDC Course teaches you to conduct all PADI core courses. You’ll be able to organize and present information, conduct skill development sessions and control open water dives. Basically, you become a better public speaker and get really good at demonstrating skills while watching out for student diver safety.

Key topics include:


PADI Standards and Procedures for courses you can teach with in water workshops


Learning, Instruction and the PADI System


Risk Management and Diver Safety


The Business of Diving and your role as an instructor


Marketing Diving and Sales Counseling

Bali IDC Course


A PADI Divemaster who has been a certified diver for six months may enroll in the PADI Instructor Development Course. You also need:

You also need to be an Emergency First Response Instructor, but you can earn this rating during your instructor training.