Bali is famous for scuba diving and no wonder there is an abundance of venues which provide a choice for your Dive Center in Bali. From a multitude of possibilities, choosing the right one is important because each Dive Center in Bali comes with different services and surely different prices.
Here’s the top filters you should use when deciding which Dive Center in Bali to go with:
Yes, like with anything else we purchase, reviews is the driving engine of any Dive Center in Bali. We all fight for the 5 stars reviews no matter if we’re bigger or smaller venues. We usually get a lot of those 5 stars reviews but you should take a look at the bad ones most importantly because they can tell a lot about the service.
Mainly, focus on reading if you see any repeating complaints from previous customers … that should be your first and most important red flag.
Second, look for the amount of bad reviews, are they regular and consistent ? Even if not regular, if one or any of those bad reviews gives you the chills, better move on to the next Dive Center.
Finally, what can you read from the positive reviews ? does the Dive Center give you any feeling of fun? how is the food ? because of course, scuba diving can be done by anybody but is this place the right one for you? Try to get a feeling from what you can read and the pictures you can see.

Dive centers in Bali come in various shapes and sizes. Some are small, some are big, some look like a shoe box, it all depends on what facilities you think you need from your dive center in Bali.
Most importantly for any establishment to be called a Dive Center, there must be a specially designed swimming pool. If not, that’s merely a dive shop. And how about if you are planning on doing the Open Water Course and the venue you are looking at doesn’t have a proper swimming pool for dive training?
Other facilities such as bathrooms, showers, lounge area or class-rooms, are very important depending on what needs you may have. And even if you will not particularly use the class-room or swimming pool for example, would you rather go with a small dive shop or a proper Dive Center ?
When choosing your Dive Center in Bali it’s like choosing wether or not to be friends with someone. The communication matters, especially at the early stage of the inquiry.
Does the Dive Center reply promptly?
Is the person friendly?
Is the language professional or limited to “ok, you can pay first!”
These are all red flags when choosing the right Dive Center to dive with.
Ultimately and the most important in regards to Communication, as the conversation moves forward, does the Dive Center ask you all the right questions ? Scuba diving is a high risk activity for which safety is paramount and specific questions must be asked at a specific time.
And if all of the above you thought are important, the price ultimately is the mirror of the place.
If you’re looking for cheap, you will get what you’re paying for. Do not compare a small dive shop price of 25 USD per dive to a proper Dive Center charging 100 USD, because they provide two completely different services with completely different quality and standards.
Generally what is cheap or very cheap it generally lacks in service and safety. While what is mid to high end expensive, is providing a certain high level of service, security and safety.
It all ultimately depends on what you are looking for and you will definitely find all different types of venues to choose your Dive Center in Bali.
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